
Elise works as a Dispatcher at Elia

Are you an entry-level job seeker looking to boost your technical and management expertise with challenging practical assignments? Elia is committed to nurturing young talent! One of the talented young people making the most of all that the company has to offer is Elise. As a Starter Network Operations, she has had the opportunity to sample a range of professional challenges during a two-year starter programme.


Technical Starter Programme

“After graduating in electromechanics, I started working as a programmer. While it was an interesting first experience, after a while I wanted a more versatile and challenging role. Elia’s Technical Starter Programme seemed like the ideal solution as it allows you to work in four different departments over a two-year period, including High and Low Voltage, Cables and Lines, and Dispatching. I started the programme in February 2022, and straight away I got to accompany colleagues on the road. After three months, I began a six-month stint as an operations assistant, followed by a coordinating role in the PowerFactory Action Plan. Currently, the title on my business card is Starter Network Operations.”

Unique learning opportunity

“This diverse mix of tasks and responsibilities has been a fantastic learning opportunity for someone starting out in the world of work. As well as developing my technical expertise, I also get a chance to hone my personal skills. This starter programme is not only an amazing way to get to know a big company like Elia, but also a unique springboard to advance to a job with more responsibility, such as team leader or project manager.”

Action and interaction

Elise certainly has some valuable qualities that will help her on the way to new professional challenges. “I enjoy acting and interacting with colleagues and external partners. I find dealing with colleagues from different departments energising and it gives me fresh insights into the sector we work in. One of my strengths is that I get along well with everyone and make new contacts easily. Translating technical issues into solutions, in language that people can understand, also gives me a kick. In the long run, we’re all working together as one to make Elia an indispensable market player in the energy sector, with the ultimate goal being satisfied customers: businesses, consumers and all intermediaries.”

Ambitious corporate values

“Another reason I feel so at home at Elia is that its company values are ones that I wholeheartedly endorse: safety first, society’s interests first, and driven by performance. A system of continuous feedback means that we are constantly questioning ourselves. We also set the bar high in terms of quality and safety and go all out to provide services that are good for people and the environment. These are goals that I’m more than happy to work towards!”

Interested in a job as a Dispatcher? Then check out our vacancy.